Abortion rights in the USA: An interview with Tarah Demant

Tarah Demant is National Director of Programmes at Amnesty International USA, where she campaigns on issues such gender justice and abortion rights. The past year has been one of the toughest for her, as the USA has seen a huge rollback on human rights.

In this interview, she talks about the impact of abortion bans on people in the USA, how she’s advocating for change at every level and why the hope and resilience of activists across the country spurs her on…

What was the most striking event in your region this year and why?

There has been an incredible backlash against gender justice throughout the Americas, including in the United States. One of the most obvious examples of this backlash is the attack on abortion rights across the region.

How did you feel working on it?

Honestly, it’s exhausting. The attacks are relentless. Anti-rights actors are moving state-by-state trying to push further abortion bans and criminalization. These attacks on abortion are hand-in-hand with broader anti-gender attacks across the country, including vicious attacks against transgender children. It’s devastating. It has real impact on people. And it takes a toll emotionally.

There is a lot of hope and resilience in the community. People show up day after day for each other, for their friends and neighbours, and for people they will never know.Tarah Demant

But it’s also a privilege to work in this space — there is a lot of hope and resilience in the community. People show up day after day for each other, for their friends and neighbours, and for people they will never know. In the toughest places — in the most conservative states — people are their fiercest. Fighting alongside these incredible activists inspires a lot of hope.  And no matter what happens politically, we are determined — we will never stop fighting. And that commitment is where I find a lot of energy.

What does your work involve?

We’re working across the country to combat abortion bans and to win further protections for abortion rights at multiple levels. We are documenting the impact of abortion bans and restrictions in our research, showing the real, human impacts of these human rights violations. We’re helping to connect global activists to local activists—creating solidarity and learning that has really buoyed work here nationally. And we’re lobbying the federal government: I spend a lot of time educating Congress on abortion and pushing the Administration to take every action it can to protect abortion rights. 

But we’re also ensuring we’re where the fight really is now: at the state level. The Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe meant that abortion rights are now left entirely to the individual states—and we’ve had to adjust very quickly to how we try to effect change as an international human rights organisation working at national level.

We’re equipping our activists in every state with the tools to engage in advocacy in their state as well as within their local communities: lobbying state officials, talking about abortion in conversations, raising abortion rights in local council meetings, ensuring abortion is always on the agenda in local governments. And we’re invested in states where voters can weigh in directly — like our work in Arizona, where we are fighting to pass a ballot initiative that would protect abortion in the state constitution.  We’re making sure that Amnesty is showing up for abortion rights in the USA — with our research, our lobbying, and our activists at home AND globally. And it matters. We can and will win.

Can you share a personal anecdote from a moment that moved you this year?

We have talked to doctors who’ve had to turn away patients desperate for their care. We’ve heard from families who have tried to figure out how to go thousands of miles to seek the care that their loved one needs and ultimately, we’ve heard stories of people who’ve been forced to give birth by the state because they couldn’t access abortion care.

But we’ve also witnessed stories of hope and communities of incredible resilience, of people across every state in the country and across every country in the Americas who are standing up for their rights, who are fighting back and who are fighting for each other.

In a state like Texas that has one of the most extreme anti-abortion laws, including a bounty-hunter system for those “assisting” in abortion, activists are unbowed. They are working every day to get people the information and care they need – even if that means travelling out of state. They are also supporting each other against a backdrop of relentless political attacks and threats to their safety and freedom. 

What are some of the most pressing human rights issues in your region/area of work that we should be aware of?

There is an incredibly dangerous backlash against gender equality in the United States, across the region and globally.  The anti-gender movement within the United States represents a very small minority of opinion, but it is very powerful, incredibly well-funded, very well-organized. 

Tarah Demant is National Director of Programmes at Amnesty International USA, where she campaigns on issues such gender justice and abortion rights. The past year has been one of the toughest for her, as the USA has seen a huge rollback on human rights.

And there is national and transnational coordination with shared strategies and objectives that challenge hard-won gains toward gender equality on multiple levels. These include attacks on the very idea of gender itself, pushing instead for a world in which only so called “traditional family” and stereotyped gender roles are accepted and protected. This means controlling women’s choices and behaviours, limiting people’s reproductive autonomy — including by restricting access to abortion, birth control, and sexuality education — and erasing LGBTQIA+ people altogether.  We must take this threat incredibly seriously and fight it at every turn.

Why should people continue to support Amnesty and its work?

The fight for abortion rights will not stop with abortion. Every person’s autonomy is on the line. And we are going to continue to show up to that fight every day, even when it’s not the front page of the news.  We’re working side-by-side in communities across the world to defend these rights—to defend our rights.  We’re there.  And we can do more and become more as people join us in this fight.

We will keep fighting in every state across the nation and in every nation across the region, because we believe in the human rights of all people, and we believe in the future we’re building together. And we know that together we can win.

What are your hopes for the future?

I believe in the future we are building — and I’m not alone. People are fired up across the country, particularly on abortion rights. I believe in a future where laws protect our rights, where women and people who can get pregnant control their own bodies and lives, where LGBTQIA+ people can live safely and authentically — a future where we protect and support each other and where we understand that each of our freedoms is tied together.

It can sometimes be hard to feel hopeful when the politics are so dangerous and skewed, but whether on any given day I feel optimistic or pessimistic, I remain determined to build that future.

Imagine Spicy af Detailed

are against my ass, and I cry out at the feel of him stretching my body.
“Fuck,” I gasp, closing my eyes and burying my face against the pillows. He doesn’t let me rest for long, though.

Oliver reaches out to thread his fingers in my hair, yanking my face up for my viewers to see. “Tell them how I feel,” he orders, and when I only whimper, he lightly slaps my thigh. “Don’t tease them, Envy, baby. That’s not very nice.”

Neither is he, and I worry that I’ve got- -ten in over my head this time. His grip on my hair causes my scalp to prickle and burn, but it’s not the worst feeling I’ve ever had.

“He’s so big,” I tell my viewers, my voice soft and trembling. “He’s so fuck- ing big and-” I trail off with a grasp as he pulls out just to thrust back in. I close my eyes and arch into him, letting out another breath as he sets a rhythm for my viewers.

While I’m having problems getting more than one word out, Oliver certainly

23 Daily Women’s Affirmation

  1. “I am a powerful and resilient woman, capable of overcoming any obstacle.”
  2. “My worth is not determined by others; I am valuable just as I am.”
  3. “I trust in my ability to make sound decisions for myself.”
  4. “I embrace my imperfections and celebrate my unique strengths.”
  5. “Today, I choose self-love and self-care as a priority in my life.”
  6. “I release all negativity and welcome positive energy into my space.”
  7. “I am confident in expressing my thoughts and opinions.”
  8. “My dreams are valid, and I am actively working towards achieving them.”
  9. “I am surrounded by love and support, and I attract positive relationships.”
  10. “Every challenge is an opportunity for growth, and I face them with resilience.”
  11. “I radiate beauty, strength, and grace in every situation.”
  12. “I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.”
  13. “I am deserving of success, and I confidently pursue my goals.”
  14. “My voice is important, and I speak with clarity and conviction.”
  15. “I let go of comparison and celebrate the unique journey of my life.”
  16. “I am a beacon of light, inspiring others with my kindness and authenticity.”
  17. “I trust the timing of my life and allow things to unfold naturally.”
  18. “I am a source of positivity and joy, uplifting those around me.”
  19. “I forgive myself for past mistakes and learn and grow from them.”
  20. “I am a magnet for miracles, and I welcome abundance into my life.”
  21. “I am a woman of purpose, passion, and endless possibilities.”

Stuff to Send to Your Boyfriend

  1. Sweet Texts:
    • “Just wanted to remind you how much you mean to me. 😊”
    • “I can’t stop thinking about you. ❤️”
    • “You’re my favorite part of the day. 🌟”
    • “Missing you already. Can’t wait to see you.”
  2. Compliments:
    • Send him a compliment about his looks or something specific you love about him.
    • “You always know how to make me smile.”
    • “Your kindness and generosity amaze me.”
  3. Surprise Notes:
    • Leave a handwritten note in his bag or pocket expressing your feelings.
    • Stick a cute note on his mirror for him to find in the morning.
  4. Voice Messages:
    • Record a sweet voice message expressing your love or sharing a special moment.
  5. Random Acts of Kindness:
    • Order his favorite food for delivery to his place.
    • Send him a surprise care package with his favorite snacks.
  6. Plan a Virtual Date:
    • Set up a virtual movie night or dinner date.
    • Play an online game together.
  7. Customized Playlist:
    • Create a playlist of songs that remind you of him or that you both enjoy.
  8. Photos and Memories:
    • Share a cute or funny throwback photo with a sweet caption.
    • Create a shared photo album with memories of your time together.
  9. Supportive Messages:
    • Send an encouraging message if he’s going through a tough time.
    • “I believe in you, and I’m here for you.”
  10. Future Plans:
    • Share your dreams and plans for the future together.
    • “Can’t wait to create more memories with you.”

What is the sexiest thing to say to your dominant man as a sub?

  1. “I’ve been waiting all day for your commands.”
  2. “Your wish is my command.”
  3. “I trust you completely.”
  4. “I live to serve you.”
  5. “How can I please you today?”
  6. “I’m yours to use as you please.”
  7. “I love it when you take control.”
  8. “I need your guidance.”
  9. “Your pleasure is my purpose.”
  10. “I crave your discipline.”
  11. “Your dominance is so sexy.”
  12. “I’ve been a good/bad girl/boy, haven’t I?”
  13. “Your rules are my command.”
  14. “I belong to you.”
  15. “You make me feel so safe.”
  16. “I need your strength.”
  17. “I’m ready for your instructions.”
  18. “Your touch is my reward.”
  19. “I surrender to your will.”
  20. “Nothing pleases me more than pleasing you.”
  21. “I’m eager for your commands.”
  22. “You’re in charge, and I love it.”
  23. “I’m all yours tonight.”
  24. “I’m at your mercy.”
  25. “I exist to serve you.”
  26. “I love being your submissive.”
  27. “I crave your authority.”
  28. “You make me feel so controlled, and I love it.”
  29. “I’m ready to obey.”
  30. “I’m yours to command.”
  31. “You’re my master, and I willingly submit.”
  32. “I’ve been longing for your command.”
  33. “I am in your hands.”
  34. “I need your control.”
  35. “I love it when you’re firm with me.”
  36. “I crave your dominance.”
  37. “I can’t wait to follow your orders.”
  38. “Your control is all I desire.”
  39. “I’m eager for your dominance.”
  40. “Discipline me in the way only you can.”
  41. “Your strength drives me wild.”
  42. “I can’t wait to serve you.”
  43. “Take control of me.”
  44. “I love being under your command.”
  45. “I am devoted to your desires.”
  46. “I want to earn your praise.”
  47. “Your dominance is my desire.”
  48. “I’m ready to submit to you.”
  49. “I’m craving your control.”
  50. “I am yours to play with.”

Or if you like EXTRA Kinky!

  1. “I need you to spank me until my ass is red, Sir.”
  2. “I’m aching for your cock, Master.”
  3. “Please fill me up, Sir, I’m empty without you.”
  4. “Use me as your plaything, I exist for your pleasure.”
  5. “I’m wet and begging for your touch.”
  6. “I ache for the sting of your flogger, Sir.”
  7. “Please, Master, I need to feel your control deep inside me.”
  8. “My body is yours to use and abuse, Sir.”
  9. “I’m desperate to taste you, Master.”
  10. “Please, Sir, may I swallow your cum?”
  11. “Tie me up and take me, I’m yours.”
  12. “I’m dripping and desperate for your cock, Sir.”
  13. “I need to be filled and fucked by you, Master.”
  14. “I’m your dirty little cock slut, Sir.”
  15. “Take me, use me, make me scream your name, Master.”
  16. “I’m begging for your rough hands on me.”
  17. “Your cock is my heaven, Sir.”
  18. “I crave the taste of your cum, Master.”
  19. “I can’t wait to be spread open and used by you, Sir.”
  20. “Please, I need you to fill all my holes, Master.”
  21. “I’m desperate to feel your cock throbbing inside me, Sir.”
  22. “I’m aching to be your naughty little cum slut, Master.”
  23. “Make me gag on your cock, Sir.”
  24. “I want to feel your hot cum inside me, Master.”
  25. “Tie me down and make me take it, Sir.”
  26. “I’m begging to be your dirty little whore, Master.”
  27. “Please, Sir, I need to feel your control in every inch of me.”
  28. “I’m your obedient fucktoy, Master.”
  29. “Make me scream, Sir, I need your punishment.”
  30. “I’m desperate to be stretched and filled by you, Master.”
  31. “I need to feel your hands all over me, Sir.”
  32. “I’m aching for your cock, please take me, Master.”
  33. “I want to feel you pounding into me, Sir.”
  34. “Use your cock to remind me who I belong to, Master.”
  35. “I need to feel your weight on me, your control over me, Sir.”
  36. “I’m desperate to feel you explode inside me, Master.”
  37. “Please, Sir, I need to feel your whip on my skin.”
  38. “Make me your dirty little slut, Master.”
  39. “Please, Sir, I need to feel you deep inside my ass.”
  40. “Use me, abuse me, make me your whore, Master.”
  41. “I want to be filled with your cum, Sir.”
  42. “I’m begging for your cock, Master.”
  43. “Please, Sir, I need to be punished, make me feel it.”
  44. “I’m aching for your chains on my skin, Master.”
  45. “I need to be used and degraded by you, Sir.”
  46. “Please, Master, I need to feel your hands choking me.”
  47. “I’m begging to be your cum dumpster, Sir.”
  48. “I need to feel your cock pounding into me, Master.”
  49. “Please, Sir, I need to feel you stretching me open.”
  50. “I’m your obedient slut, use me as your fucktoy, Master.”

How do I become a good sub to my new experienced dom?

Ask your Dom. They are the ultimate judge of whether or not you are being a good sub. Pay attention to their rules, rituals, protocols, etc. If you don’t understand something, ask for a clearer explanation.

Set your limits. Having limits doesn’t make you a bad sub. On the contrary, it means you are looking out for your Dom by not putting them in a bad position when those limits are crossed. It’s one of your responsibilities as a sub.

Don’t let yourself get hurt. Some subs, particularly when bottoming for S&M play, feel that they need to take as much as they can to please their Dom. There’s a difference between pain and injury. If you get injured because you were too stubborn to use a safe word, you could land your Dom in some very real legal trouble in addition to the guilt they would likely feel.

Don’t rely on your Dom to do everything. Do research for yourself. Learning as much as you can about the lifestyle will help you protect yourself from abusers who use BDSM as a cover/defense for their actions. It will help keep you physically safe when undertaking play that carries physical risks since you will understand the risks and be able to help your Dom mitigate them. It also shows that you care about the lifestyle and are enthusiastic about your role.

2024 Vision Board Ideas

  1. Clarity of Goals: Clearly define your short-term and long-term goals. Be specific about what you want to achieve in various aspects of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal development.
  2. Visual Representation: Use images, words, and symbols that resonate with your goals. These visuals should evoke strong positive emotions and serve as a constant reminder of your aspirations.
  3. Balance and Diversity: Ensure your vision board reflects a balanced and diverse range of goals. This can include professional achievements, personal growth, relationships, health, and any other areas that are important to you.
  4. Affirmations: Incorporate positive affirmations that align with your goals. Use present tense statements to reinforce a mindset that assumes success and achievement.
  5. Realism and Achievability: While it’s great to dream big, make sure your goals are realistic and achievable. Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps to maintain motivation and track progress.
  6. Consistency: Place your vision board in a location where you will see it daily. Consistent exposure to your goals reinforces their importance in your mind and can help you stay focused.
  7. Update Regularly: Life is dynamic, and your goals may evolve over time. Regularly review and update your vision board to ensure it accurately reflects your current aspirations.
  8. Visualization Techniques: Spend time each day visualizing yourself achieving the goals on your vision board. This practice can help reinforce a positive mindset and improve your chances of success.
  9. Share with Others: Consider sharing your vision board with friends, family, or a supportive community. Sharing your goals can create a sense of accountability and may open up opportunities for collaboration or encouragement.
  10. Action Plan: A vision board is a tool to inspire action. Develop a concrete plan of action for each goal on your board. Identify specific steps you can take to move closer to your vision.

Remember, a vision board is a personal and dynamic tool. The key is to connect emotionally with your goals, stay committed, and take consistent actions toward turning your vision into reality.

J & F Income Tax Services

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Tatkal Ticket Booking Rules in Hindi

तत्काल टिकट बुकिंग का समय। जैसा कि भारतीय रेलवे द्वारा हाल ही में घोषणा की गई है कि नई तत्काल टिकट बुकिंग का समय एसी क्लास के लिए सुबह 10 बजे और स्लीपर क्लास के लिए सुबह 11 बजे है।

तत्काल क्या है?

तत्काल, का शाब्दिक अर्थ है ‘तत्काल’। तत्काल बुकिंग सुविधा लाखों यात्रियों के लिए तारणहार है। तत्काल प्रणाली के साथ आरामदायक अंतिम मिनट की यात्रा संभव हो गई है।

तत्काल टिकट बुकिंग का समय एक दिन पहले से शुरू हो जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आप कल यात्रा करना चाहते हैं, तो आप आज ही टिकट बुक कर सकते हैं। इंडियन रेलवे कैटरिंग एंड टूरिज्म कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड ऑनलाइन टिकट बुकिंग की प्रक्रिया को आसान बनाने के लिए तत्काल बुकिंग की प्रणाली को लगातार अपडेट करता है। तत्काल टिकट बुकिंग प्रतिदिन सुबह 10 बजे खुलती है।

क्या आप इस साल अगस्त 2022 में भारतीय रेलवे द्वारा अपडेट किए गए नए तत्काल टिकट बुकिंग समय के बारे में जानते हैं?

भीड़ के समय तत्काल योजना का उपयोग करके ई-टिकट बुक करना व्यस्त यातायात के दौरान एम्बुलेंस में दौड़ने जैसा है। तत्काल घंटों के दौरान भारी ट्रैफिक और सर्वर पर भारी भार के कारण, सुबह 10 से दोपहर 12 बजे के बीच, उपयोगकर्ताओं को अपने टिकट बुक करने में बहुत मुश्किल होती है। उपयोगकर्ताओं को होने वाली समस्याओं को खत्म करने के लिए, आईआरसीटीसी ने 2016 में अपने तत्काल टिकट बुकिंग समय प्रणाली को संशोधित किया।

इससे पहले 2012-2013 में, तत्काल टिकट बुकिंग का समय हर दिन सुबह 8 बजे निर्धारित किया गया था, जिसे बाद में बदलकर 10 बजे कर दिया गया। जनता की मांगों को पूरा करने के लिए तत्काल बुकिंग की प्रणाली को अद्यतन करना एक सतत प्रक्रिया है।

तत्काल टिकट बुकिंग का समय – भारतीय रेलवे द्वारा घोषित नया समय अगस्त 2022 से

ClassTatkal Ticket Booking Timing
AC Classes – 3AC, 2AC, 1AC10 am
Sleeper Class – SL, SS, CC11 am

तत्काल नियम: भारतीय रेलवे

प्रारंभ में तत्काल योजना लगभग 110 ट्रेनों में ही उपलब्ध थी और मुख्य रूप से
स्लीपर क्लास। उस समय इस उद्देश्य के लिए एक अतिरिक्त कोच लगाया जाना था। अगस्त 2004 में इस योजना को पूरी तरह से संशोधित किया गया था और समय-समय पर कुछ संशोधन किए गए थे। भारतीय रेलवे में तत्काल नियमों का विवरण निम्नलिखित है।

उन यात्रियों को आरक्षण प्रदान करने की दृष्टि से जिन्हें अल्प सूचना पर यात्रा करनी है और ऐसे यात्रियों को बेईमान तत्वों/दलालों के चंगुल से बचाने के लिए, तत्काल आरक्षण योजना शुरू में दिसंबर, 1997 में शुरू की गई थी।

Inter Caste Marriage Scheme- Benefits, Eligibility Criteria, Apply Now

Inter Caste Marriage Scheme- Benefits, Eligibility Criteria, Apply Now
  • Inter Caste Marriage Scheme- Benefits, Eligibility Criteria, and more!
  • Inter Caste Marriage Scheme
  • Benefits of Inter-caste Marriage Scheme
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Documents Required
  • How to Apply for the Benefits
  • Inter Caste Marriage Scheme- Benefits, Eligibility Criteria, and more!

    Traditionally, marriages in Hindu society take place on the basis of Jatis (caste) and up-jatis (sub-caste). However, with the rise of inter-caste marriages, it becomes a necessity to protect the rights of minorities. Inter-caste marriages aim at reducing caste prejudices and untouchability prevalent in our society and help promote the values of liberty and equality.   

    Inter Caste Marriage Scheme

    The scheme is often referred to as the Dr. Ambedkar Scheme for Social Integration through Inter Caste marriages. The Inter-caste marriage scheme is designed to eliminate caste bars. The objective of this scheme is to encourage the socially brave step taken by newly married couples and reward them by extending financial support assistance. 

    Benefits of Inter-caste Marriage Scheme

    -The incentive amount provided to a couple for a legal inter-caste marriage is ₹ 2.50 lakh. The eligible couple would get ₹ 1.50 lakh through RTGS/NEFT to the joint bank account. The remaining amount would be kept as fixed deposits for three years.

    -A sum of ₹ 25,000, for every married couple will be discharged to the district authorities for organizing a befitting program in which the said amount would be given to the couple. 

    -Many state governments also provide other benefits to the couple who have solemnized inter-caste marriages.

    Eligibility Criteria

    To avail the benefits provided under the “Inter-caste Marriage Scheme” there are certain criteria to be met by the couples. Let’s take a look at them-

    • A married couple in which one spouse belongs to Scheduled Caste (SC) and the other belongs to a Non-Scheduled Caste is eligible for this scheme.
    • The marriage must be valid and duly registered under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
    • It must be the first legal marriage of the couple. No benefits will be provided on the second and subsequent marriages.
    • The proposal would be valid if submitted within one year of marriage.
    • The annual income of a married couple, when combined must be less than five lakhs.
    • All the documents prescribed under the scheme must be submitted to the concerned authority.
    • The Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment, along with the Chairman of the Ambedkar Foundation, has the full discretion to sanction the incentive to the couple.

    Documents Required

    The list of documents required to avail of the incentive of the Inter Caste Marriage Scheme are:

    • Identity proof such as an Aadhaar card copy or a Voters ID card.
    • Caste certificate number of both the spouses.
    • Inter-caste marriage certificate issued by Panchayat Pradhan, Sub Registrar’s office, or certificate given by NSS or SND could be submitted.
    • Salary certificates of the couples and original documents are required to be submitted.
    • Marriage certificate under Hindu Marriage Act, 1995, declaring the couple has been married recently. It must be received from a Gazetted Officer of the concerned authority/area.
    • Marriage photo of the couple
    • mobile number of both the spouses
    • Ration card

    How to Apply for the Benefits

    • You can find the application form on the official website of the Ambedkar Foundation.
    • The married couple has to fill out an application form along with all the required documents to the concerned District Social Justice Officers.
    • After online registration, an SMS will be sent to the couple as a confirmation. Couples can print the acknowledgment form.
    • After this, a spot verification of all the details & documents provided will be done by a Social Welfare team.
    • Only after successful verification, the incentive amount will be credited to the couple’s joint bank account.

    Note: If the newly married couple has already received any kind of financial assistance from the state government, then the amount will be adjusted to the actual incentive amount.